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- Cortices -

Brain Reset Technique 

This is a simple and effective technique to reset, balance, and optimize your brain function. 

You can use it when you need a quick reboot of your nervous system, when you are experiencing stress, low energy levels, insomnia, anxiety, or overwhelm. You can also use this technique to boost your brain function by creating coherence between all parts of your brain, calming the nervous system, and improving circulation within your brain.

- Shift from Your Limiting Stories to the Possibility of YOU -
Rewriting Your Present 

Join me on this perspective-changing exercise, and shift how you are showing up in your life.

May this exercise allow you to enter the present moment with a sense of self-worthiness and curiosity. That is how you show up as the best, truest version of yourself.

- Cortices -

Brain Reset Technique 

This is a simple and effective technique to reset, balance, and optimize your brain function. 

You can use it when you need a quick reboot of your nervous system, when you are experiencing stress, low energy levels, insomnia, anxiety, or overwhelm. You can also use this technique to boost your brain function by creating coherence between all parts of your brain, calming the nervous system, and improving circulation within your brain.

- Cortices -

Brain Reset Technique 

This is a simple and effective technique to reset, balance, and optimize your brain function. 

You can use it when you need a quick reboot of your nervous system, when you are experiencing stress, low energy levels, insomnia, anxiety, or overwhelm. You can also use this technique to boost your brain function by creating coherence between all parts of your brain, calming the nervous system, and improving circulation within your brain.


- Ho'oponopono -

Find Peace in Conflict

What do you do when a situation triggers you, and you don't want your words and actions to make

things even worse?

In this video I'm sharing with you a practice that facilitates the clearing of the programming you have that contributes to the creation of that situation.


With these simple four phrases, you will be clearing limiting belief systems, past memories, and emotional charges that create distress and conflict in your life.


This practice is a traditional Hawaiian practice called Ho'oponopono (with means correction). Through this practice you are correcting the error in perceptions, distortions created by your mind's filters. In the light of a new perspective, you see the situation from a different angle and the situation changes.


So here we go:

1. Connect to your heart space of a Divine source of love.

2. Bring the situation to mind. Notice YOUR experience of the situation.

(This is not about anything outside of you. This is about clearing your old programing.)

3. Repeat the phrases: "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love." as many times as needed to feel a shift. I invite you to practice this simple and effective clearing technique, and experience for yourself its benefits.

- Guided Visualization -
Connect To Your Center

Do you know that feeling of unease, when you feel scattered?


Here is a simple guided visualization to help you recenter, and find clarity.

Life is always pulling our energy in different directions.


The direction our energy goes is guided by where our attention is. Often our attention is on things that are not supporting our lives or aligned with our truths.


In this video, I'm sharing a guided visualization process to restore the optimal energy flow of your body. We will reestablish the proper ascending and descending flow of energy, and restore how these two movements of energy come together to create the electromagnetic field of your body.


Since this field is directly related to your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness, restoring its proper flow of energy will promote vitality, physical health, emotional balance, and mental clarity. I would love to hear from you. 

- 3 Step Practice -
Release Negative Emotions 

Stored emotions can create incredible emotional, mental, and physical discomfort.


Here is a 3 step process to help you effectively release emotions.

Emotions are energy in motion.


So usually, as long as the emotion can keep moving freely, it will find its way out of the body. However, what we see happening often is that we block the movement or expression of our emotions, so they end up getting stuck in our bodies.


In this video, we will talk about how to access and release stuck emotions from the body. This process can be used to clear any type of emotion, like guilt, anger, frustration, fear, anxiety, worry, shame, sadness, grief, or any variation of those that is unique to your experience.


I hope you enjoy the process, and find great relief and freedom from it. 

- 3 Step Practice -
Let Go & Embrace Change

Letting go can be a hard, but powerful process.


Enjoy this 3 Step Practice to help you let go, embrace change, and welcome the new in your life.

In this video you will understand grief a little better, and learn a 3 step process to help you move through it towards your new life.


Before you are ready to accept the loss, you are resisting the change, the natural, constant flow of life. You are holding on to something that is no more. It is like holding on to a boulder in the middle of a strong current river.


It takes an enormous amount of energy to hold onto it, and will cause you extra suffering. The moment you open your fists in willingness to let go, the alchemy of grief starts.


The energy you were using to hold onto what has been lost will be recycled back into your life to welcome new people, or pursuits in which to invest in. 

- Heal Your Inner Child -
Build Resilience &
Emotional Inteligence

Did you know that when you are triggered by something that happens in your life you are literally acting with the "child" part of your brain?


Enjoy this guided visualization to help you heal the wounded child in you, so you can respond to life as the resourceful adult you are.

Did you know that we form most of our belief systems by the age of 6, and our personalities are pretty well established by the age of 12?


This means that even though we become rational, intelligent adults, we often still react to the world as we did as a child. That is most true when we are triggered by a childhood wound, and are responding from the emotional centers of our brains.


The wounded inner child in us can override the logical, adult part of us, and cause us to experience irrational anger, fear, guilt, worry, and fear. Our ability to respond effectively to life diminishes, and we tend to overreact to things with no fruitful results.


So in this video, we are going to address your inner child. You will learn how to connect, listen, communicate, and heal him or her. This practice builds resilience, and emotional intelligence, because you will be there for your inner child in a way your parents or care talkers couldn't. 

- Your U Turn Statement -
Move Out Of Negativity

Is the pull of negativity feeling way too strong for you to even try to fight it?


Here is a statement that can open a crack on the darkness of negativity to let some light in.

This practice is a total game changer!


It allows you to take an u turn when you are stuck in negative emotions, victimization, hopelessness, and even disappear. These emotional states are created by a fog of illusions that keep you in what feels like a NIGHTMARE.


In this video, we explore how to dispel it so you can SEE YOURSELF CLEARLY. This practice can be a life raft in times of deep confusion, and darkness. It is like helping the child fearful of the dark see that the monsters in the room are just shadows. They can't hurt her. 


- Breathing Practice -
Expand Your Breathing Capacity

Shallow breathing leads the nervous system into a chronic state of stress.


In this breathing practice, you will retrain and expand your breathing cycle.


Deeper Breathing = Better Health



Retrain Breath, Unlock Your Body!


In this video we will talk about how to optimize a pretty important cycle that happens in your body about 20,000 times a day - The breathing cycle. Every breath you take creates a cascade of movements that influence every single part of your body.


So it is crucial that this movement is free and flowing for optimal health. The health benefits of breathing freely is extensive, so I invite you to try this practice, and experience for yourself what optimizing your breath capacity can improve in your body and mind.


This practice will allow you to:

1- Assess the health of your breath;

2 - Train your body into proper breathing;

3- Achieve optimal breathing capacity.

- Guided Visualization -
Reclaim Your Energy

It is so easy to disperse your energy...


Places you go, people you interact with, and situations that get your attention are all examples of places you leave your energy "behind".


This guided visualization will you help you reclaim your energy, and clear stressors that don't belong to you.

Imagine that in an attempt to be loving and kind, you create an emotional connection to someone. Through that connection, you “share” energy with that person, so your energies become entangled.


That can leave you tired, feeling that person’s emotions and mental state, or simply feeling uncomfortable like there is something not right, but you can’t really put your finger on it.


In this video we are going to talk about how to cut those emotional ties, and reclaim all of your energy back. You are sovereign of your body and your energy.


You get to choose where your energy goes, and where it stays.


You also get to clear the energies that don’t belong to you from your field. This is a very empowering process for you and everyone involved.

- Guided Visualization -
Reclaim Your Energy

It is so easy to disperse your energy...


Places you go, people you interact with, and situations that get your attention are all examples of places you leave your energy "behind".


This guided visualization will you help you reclaim your energy, and clear stressors that don't belong to you.

Imagine that in an attempt to be loving and kind, you create an emotional connection to someone. Through that connection, you “share” energy with that person, so your energies become entangled.


That can leave you tired, feeling that person’s emotions and mental state, or simply feeling uncomfortable like there is something not right, but you can’t really put your finger on it.


In this video we are going to talk about how to cut those emotional ties, and reclaim all of your energy back. You are sovereign of your body and your energy.


You get to choose where your energy goes, and where it stays.


You also get to clear the energies that don’t belong to you from your field. This is a very empowering process for you and everyone involved.

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